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What to do when your friend starts ignoring you

Suppose, your friend(girl friend/ boyfriend) ignores you.For an eg. I am writing here for a girl

Is she really ignoring you? how to know-

  • She’s not talking to you as often or as much as usual
  • She finds reasons or excuses not to spend time with you
  • She acts like she does not want anything to do with you
  • If she shows some or all of the above signs then she is ignoring you. It may not be on purpose, so you should find out why she is doing this.

So what to do?

don’t Call her, text her, etc until you have waited at least 3 days from hearing from her. otherwise you might just push her away faster. You need to let her know that you care but not right away.

Ask her if you did anything to cause her to be unhappy with you . If she says “no” but still acts this way, then try ignoring her right back. It may sound crazy, but this will drive most girls insane. Don’t be mean or hateful about it, just do to her what she is doing to you.

If she does not come running back to you, then you can assume that the relationship is over

Consider this a good thing in the long run. Any relationship that cannot survive for the short term is definitely missing something. There is probably someone more suited to you out there

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