smart boy look

How to look smart and handsome boy

List of things to do to look smart and attractive

Understand your personality

As mentioned above ,many guys don’t know what to do and what not to do to look smart. So because of this they look unattractive and reciprocal of what they want to be.

This happens because they don’t understand their personality and do things that don’t suit them like wearing clothes that don’t suit them,Some guys overdo things to get attention etc.. This all things are wrong.

If you want to look smart and attractive , you don’t need to do over do any of thing.The only thing you have to do is understand your personality first. Because any expert will advice you things to do based on your personality.So you need to understand your personality first and then do things that are suitable for your personality.


Improve your personality

Little changes can make a lot of difference , so you need to improve your personality to make yourself easy with looking smart and attractive.


To look smart and attractive you need to work on your appearance.What you wear and style matters a lot.

Casual cloths-

Casual cloths are advisable because what so ever your personality is, casual cloths almost goes in every personality.Some cases are exceptional and casual may not look cool on them.So as mentioned earlier wear the things according to your personality.


A smart look is incomplete without a nice watch and good pair of shoes. This things matter a lot when we talk about looks and appearance.

Hair style –

Normal and short length hair are advisable.You can style up with gel or hair sprays.


Be clean and look fresh. You can use deodorant when you leave from home to go out.


Experiment in looks and appearance

Without trying new things you will not be able to find out what suits you most .So for this you can experiment in your looks and appearances , come out of shell and try new things and see what suits you most ,find it out and then go for it.


Ask friends

Ask your friends about your appearance or looks , ask them how they find them. Making our image in our imagination is limited to our self ,that means what you thing looks cool ,will not be the case with others prospective. So ask others and take opinions.

Wide Knowledge

If you have great knowledge on many topics ,you can impress anyone.When ever you talk with someone or in group , you always have right and sensible thing to say on the topic.This makes people to get more impressed and attracted by you.



Without self confidence you have nothing.What ever you do , what ever you wear , how so ever you style up yourself but if you don’t have self confidence in you , all things will going to look fake and unattractive.On the other hand you have confidence and little work on yourself makes you look smart , attractive and confident.


Improve communication skills

Many guys don’t look good but have great ability to impress anyone with their communication skills. Their way of speaking impress people.


Be sensible

Be sensible in whatever you do, whatever you speak , whatever your approach. Being sensible is a sign of smart personality.


Be fit

It really don’t look good when a college guy is having fat body. It is really a reverse of smart looks.People make fun of them ,so it is not at all cool to be fat. Be fit and have simple body structure , you don’t need to go purposely in gym for workout , normal exercises and jogging are enough.


List of things you don’t have to do to look smart and attractive

There are many unnecessary things that guys do to grab attention that make totally opposite impression of what they want to make.So you need to avoid them.


Don’t look fake –

Don’t try to copy someone else to look cool , smart or attractive.Be what you are ,and portrait best of you in front of people.

Don’t be attention seeker –

Don’t do unnecessary thing to grab attention , this looks really stupid.Smart people don’t do things like this.

Don’t do insensible things-

As mentioned earlier that don’t try to do insensible things ,it can make totally different image of what you want to make.

Don’t over do

Don’t over do in any of the thing to look smart and attractive. Don’t over do in your actions , don’t overdo in whatever you wear , do overdo while talking etc.

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