Anupama Cast : Anupamaa Serial Cast Real Name And Age 2023
Last updated: 2 June 2024
The article is about Anupamaa serial cast real name and age but also tries to cover the following subject:
-Anupamaa serial cast age
-Anupamaa serial cast name
-Anupamaa real name
-Anupama cast
Something I observed when I was researching information on Anupamaa serial cast’s real name and age was the lack of pertinent information. Anupamaa serial cast real name and age nevertheless is a subject that I know something about. This article therefore should matter and be of interest to you.
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FAQs about the Anupamaa Serial Cast: Real Names and Ages
1. What are the real names of the Anupamaa serial cast?
The main cast members of the Anupamaa serial and their real names include Rupali Ganguly as Anupamaa Shah, Sudhanshu Pandey as Vanraj Shah, Gaurav Khanna as Anuj Kapadia, Madalsa Sharma as Kavya Gandhi, and Aashish Mehrotra as Paritosh Shah.
2. How old is Rupali Ganguly, who plays Anupamaa Shah?
Rupali Ganguly, who plays the lead role of Anupamaa Shah, was born on April 5, 1977, making her 47 years old as of 2023.
3. What is the age of Sudhanshu Pandey, who portrays Vanraj Shah?
Sudhanshu Pandey, who portrays Vanraj Shah in the Anupamaa serial, was born on August 22, 1974, making him 49 years old as of 2023.
4. Who plays Anuj Kapadia, and what is his age?
Gaurav Khanna plays the character of Anuj Kapadia in the Anupamaa serial. He was born on December 11, 1981, making him 42 years old as of 2023.
5. How old is Madalsa Sharma, the actress playing Kavya Gandhi?
Madalsa Sharma, who plays Kavya Gandhi in the Anupamaa serial, was born on September 26, 1986, making her 37 years old as of 2023.