Weekend Fun

30 Things That Will Make Your Weekends Awesome !

There are lots of things to do on weekends. Here are 30 things that can make your weekend awesome.


1. Go For a Walk: A brisk walk is healthy and can be a fascinating pursuit.

2. Go For a Run: It’s free and great exercise.

3. Learn to Juggle: This fun and healthy pastime is a great way to impress your friends.


4. Go Swimming: Find your nearest leisure center and go for a swim.

5. Drum: You don’t need a drum kit – get some percussive objects and work out a groove. Just don’t blow anything up, like Keith Moon used to.

6. Dance: Turn on the radio, or stick on your iPod, and dance away to your favorite songs.

7. Community Sports: There are many community football, cricket, baseball or basketball teams you can join. Take advantage of the opportunity to meet new people whilst working out.

Local Community

8. Watch Wildlife: Heading out to a local park, or into the countryside, is a free way to see nature in action.

9. Head to the Playground: Most communities provide a free park replete with a playground. Those swings and seesaws are fun no matter how old you are.


10. Do Some Gardening: Head into your garden! If you live in a flat in the city you can check supermarkets for indoor potato or tomato growing bags and herb gardens.

11. Car Boot Sales: Go to, or throw, a Car Boot Sale to interact with your community.

12. Check your Community Calendar: Visit your council’s website for details on upcoming events.

13. Join a Film or Book Club: Most film or literature fans will be able to find a weekly club. Here you’ll be able to meet like-minded people and discuss your hobby.

14. Visit Friends: Organize to meet with friends and spend the day talking and having fun.

15. Volunteer Work: Consider doing some volunteer work for a charity. As experience it can go on your CV, can introduce you to new people, and provide a welcome feel-good factor.

16. Visit Free Museums: Check your council’s official website for information about the free museums in your area.

17. Visit a Zoo or Wildlife Reserve: Visiting a local zoo or wildlife center is a terrific way to spend an afternoon – use a search engine to fine your nearest center.


18. Become a Dog Walker: Check locally to see if any busy neighbors need any of their pets walking, or put up an ad to be a dog walker.


19. Make a Homemade Pizza

20. Make Some Bread: A simple, cheap, and educational practice.

21. Pop Some Corn: A very easy, fun, and delicious cooking experiment.


22. Organize a Budget Food Contest: Have friends round with the rules of cooking something for under $10. Mark the results and reward the winner.

The Internet

23. Netflix: Netflix.com is a very cheap online streaming video service. Sign up to watch amazing shows such as Breaking Bad and Arrested Development.


24. Free Films on YouTube: Typing “Full Movie” into a YouTube search brings up dozens of free films to watch.

25. Go On a YouTube Marathon: It’s an amazing resource for fun and creative videos; go on a wild search for the funniest videos you can find.

26. BBC iPlayer (Europe Only): Europeans can enjoy the BBC’s programmes thanks to the iPlayer Global app. David Attenborough, Top Gear, Horizon, and QI (amongst others) await you.

27. Play Free Online Games: There are hundreds of free online games you can play.


28. Search Wikipedia: Knowledge seekers can take advantage of this incredible free encyclopedia. Pick a random topic and you can spend hours finding out fascinating facts.

29. Craigslist/Freecycle: Search your local Craigslist or Freecycle for information on free events. Search for your localized version online.

30. Blog: If you want to write digitally you can start a blog (free on sites like Woiba ) and connect with the world.

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