3 Easy Ways To Get Your Love Back

Being in a relationship with a woman you feel is the love of your life can be the most satisfying thing and one of the biggest pleasures in a man’s life. But what happens when thing go wrong and she chooses to break up with you? Do you really have to accept and move on, or is there really a chance to get your ex-girlfriend back?

The good news is, using some simple ideas and proven methods, you can make her realize she has made a mistake losing you, and have her chasing to get you back. Yes, you can even follow a simple formula to get your ex-girlfriend back.

1. Show your ex-girlfriend you are handling the breakup maturely and respectfully

For a woman, there is no bigger turn-off than a guy calling her constantly and begging and crying over the phone to get back together. Because it is simply human nature that the more something is pushed into your face, the less eager you are to get it. We simply want things we cannot easily have.

So when texting your ex-girlfriend or talking face to face, hold an elegant respectful attitude – even if you are dying inside. Don’t let her see the weak side of you, but your strong and mature side. Hold your head up high and walk away proudly. Trust me; this will leave her wondering and feeling much more attracted to you than begging for her to get back together.

2. Break all communication with her

After you have left the last impression as being strong and OK without her, break all contact with her for a while. I know this probably sounds challenging to do – especially since you sometimes miss her so much. But this is the best way to give her some space in order to realize how much she misses you.

So no text messages, no calling and absolutely no meeting each other “as friends”. Now as you have left a powerful last impression, she will gradually remember all the good memories you two had together. Because we tend to miss someone more when they are far away, rather than when they are clinging to our feet.

So go have fun on your own and live your life to the fullest. You deserve to be happy – with or without her. And soon news will get around and she will hear about your new awesome life, without her in it. Then she cannot help feeling jealous and curious why you can be so easily happy when she has left you.

3. Reconnect with her again and win her back

Now that you have followed the last two steps, it is time to casually open up the connection again. You can simply start it off by a casual text message. This is the last step and the final strike in order to get your ex-girlfriend for good.

After you initiate the contact again, keep your cool strong attitude. After the powerful impression you made using the last two techniques, she now feels attracted to you all over again. Being curious by the new allure of you finding yourself and building a happy wonderful life without her, it will make her miss being a part of your life again.


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