13 Genuine Problems Of People Who Don’t Drink

“No thanks, I don’t drink.”
*Dramatic silence that makes silent film actors cry in shame*

So, seriously, what is the big deal about people who prefer not to drink? This is a common battle some of us have to fight with the others who are too drunk to even fight back. But even then, they’ll make sure to comment on our revelation while they’re out there, doing shot pe shot like it’s an invisibility potion. That’s completely okay, though. It’s just not something everyone wants to do.

Following are the troubles of being a non-drinker among drinker friends.

1. You are tired of refusing alcohol in  social gatherings


People often give you incredulous stares when you announce you don’t drink.


2. Explaining people why you don’t like to drink is a nightmare


Loads of unwanted advice like “you get only one life, try to enjoy, man”.


3. They call you a “bachcha” for refusing drinks


Should we order milk for you?


4. You are tired of being judged if you’re a guy and your girlfriend drinks



5. Drinkers around you always force you to ‘try it once’



6. You find people spending money on alcohol pointless


Rs. 300 for a peg of cognac? No, Thank you.


7. People often wonder how you enjoy a party without being drunk


Because not drinking in a party is like calling Dominos for a salad.


8. In a party, you are generally the only one who is sober


And you are the one to help your drunk friends when they pass out & drop them off to their homes safely.


9. Since people know you don’t drink, they hand you their car keys/phones/other stuff in case they lose it while drunk


You are appointed as the person to keep drunk dialing in check.


10. You mostly know everything about everybody when they start drunk talking



11. When you join your friends for a daaru party, you relish on the chakna


Because of course-you don’t drink. But chakna is cool too.


12. You hate parties that do not serve non-alcoholic drinks



13. Deep inside you feel proud of yourself for constantly having avoided the temptation


And enjoy the other more important things in life, like watching your drunk friends do ridiculous shit and record it.

After all, how else can you blackmail them in the future? ;)

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